Which Factors Determine The Cost Of Dental Implants?

Close up photo of a professional mouth prosthesis model.When people go to get expertly treated with dental implants in Middletown, CT, it can restore the look, health, and function of their smile for years to come. Because every person's smile is unique, however, the cost of this gold standard tooth replacement option will vary from patient to patient. Curious to learn about the […]

What Complications Can Occur With Dental Implant Placements?

blue background; a dental implant model on reflective glass.When people go to a skilled and trusted dental practice to replace their missing teeth with dental implants in New London, CT, their new teeth will give them reliable and predictable results. Sometimes, however, dental implant placement complications can still occur. Ready to learn about the types of complications that can occur with dental implant […]

What Does The Dental Implant Post Part Of A Dental Implant Do?

Generated photo of a dental implant.When people have one or more missing teeth, they can get those teeth replaced with dental implants in Middletown, CT. Depending on the number of missing teeth they have, they can get treated with single dental implants, implant supported dentures, and full mouth dental implants. No matter what type of dental implant patients get treated […]

Are There Risks To Getting Treated With Dental Implants?

Digital model of a dental implant on a blacked out background.Dental implants in New London, CT are a gold standard tooth replacement option. By getting treated with dental implants, patients will be able to maintain a normal diet, speak clearly, and smile confidently for years to come. While dental implants can be precisely placed with the latest techniques and technologies, there are risks that come […]

Is There A Way To Avoid Peri-Implantitis After A Dental Implant Surgery?

Dentist showing the installation of a dental implant on the anatomical model of teeth.Dental implants in Middletown, CT are a proven and reliable tooth replacement option. When people with missing teeth get expertly treated with dental implants, the look, function, and health of their smile will be restored for years to come. Sometimes, however, peri-implantitis will occur when the soft tissues around the dental implant become infected. Is […]

Should I Get Treated With Dental Implants After Tooth Extractions?

Medically accurate 3D illustration of a Dental Implant.Have one or more severely infected teeth or damaged teeth? When people have these types of dental issues, then they will need to get those teeth removed through a tooth extraction. Once the tooth extraction has been performed, the patient should get that extracted tooth replaced with a dental implant in Middletown, CT. There are […]

Want To Learn How To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants? Here Is How

Doctor holding a model of a dental implantBy going to a skilled and trusted dental office, people can get their dental implants in New London, CT, expertly placed. Once the dental implants have been strategically and securely placed in the patient’s jawbone, however, they will need to take care of their new teeth. When dental implants are properly taken care of, they […]

Are There Side Effects To Dental Implant Procedures?

Close-up of dental model with implant. patient of dental clinic on blurred background. dentistryThe dental implants in New London, CT are a gold standard tooth replacement option because they restore the beauty, functionality, and health of the patient’s smile. At a skilled and trusted dental office, dental implants are personalized to give patients the exact new smile that they want. While dental implant procedures are predictably performed, there […]

Ready To Learn How Full Mouth Dental Implants Are Cost-Effective?

an image of a 3D dental implant model.Full mouth dental implants in New London, CT are gold standard tooth replacement option because they can restoratively replace a full arch of missing teeth. While full mouth dental implants do have a high upfront cost, the ways it gives patient’s a beautiful, functional, and healthy new smile makes it a cost-effective tooth replacement option. […]

Can I Upgrade My Smile From Traditional Dentures To Implant Supported Dentures?

Young woman with implanted teeth on color background, closeupTraditional dentures are made to replace missing teeth by sitting on the patients gums and being held in place by adhesives. While traditional dentures do give patients new teeth, they often become unstable and uncomfortable as the patients jawbone and facial structure begin to change because the missing tooth roots are no longer stimulating the […]